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- /* TrackView.h */
- #ifndef Included_TrackView_h
- #define Included_TrackView_h
- /* TrackView module depends on */
- /* MiscInfo.h */
- /* Audit */
- /* Debug */
- /* Definitions */
- /* Screen */
- /* TrackObject */
- /* Memory */
- /* FrameObject */
- /* Frequency */
- /* EditImages */
- /* NoteObject */
- /* StaffCalibration */
- /* TrackDisplayScheduling */
- /* Array */
- /* EditCommandParameters */
- /* Numbers */
- /* TieTrackPixel */
- /* EventLoop */
- /* Scrap */
- /* Files */
- /* BufferedFileInput */
- /* BufferedFileOutput */
- /* DataMunging */
- /* MainWindowStuff */
- /* LoadSaveNoteVectors */
- /* Alert */
- #include "NoteObject.h"
- #include "Screen.h"
- #include "EventLoop.h"
- struct TrackViewRec;
- typedef struct TrackViewRec TrackViewRec;
- /* forward declarations */
- struct TrackObjectRec;
- /* create a new track view object */
- TrackViewRec* NewTrackView(struct TrackObjectRec* TrackObj, WinType* Window,
- OrdType X, OrdType Y, OrdType Width, OrdType Height);
- /* dispose of the track view object */
- void DisposeTrackView(TrackViewRec* View);
- /* get the left edge of the track view area */
- OrdType GetTrackViewXLoc(TrackViewRec* View);
- /* get the top edge of the track view area */
- OrdType GetTrackViewYLoc(TrackViewRec* View);
- /* get the width of the track view area */
- OrdType GetTrackViewWidth(TrackViewRec* View);
- /* get the height of the track view area */
- OrdType GetTrackViewHeight(TrackViewRec* View);
- /* change the location of the track view area */
- void SetTrackViewPosition(TrackViewRec* View, OrdType X, OrdType Y,
- OrdType Width, OrdType Height);
- /* redraw the track view staff bars. it assumes clipping rectangle has been */
- /* properly set up. XStart is in window coordinates, not track view area coordinates. */
- void TrackViewRedrawStaff(TrackViewRec* View, OrdType XStart,
- OrdType Width);
- /* redraw the whole track view, but don't mess with the clipping region. XStart is */
- /* is in window coordinates, not local coordinates */
- void TrackViewRedrawDontSetClip(TrackViewRec* View, OrdType XStart,
- OrdType Width);
- /* redraw the entire track view, including properly setting the clipping region. */
- void TrackViewRedrawAll(TrackViewRec* View);
- /* get the number of vertical degrees of freedom, for setting the vertical scroll bar */
- long TrackViewGetVerticalDegreesOfFreedom(TrackViewRec* View);
- /* get the vertical offset for setting vertical scroll bar. 0 is top of score area. */
- long TrackViewGetVerticalOffset(TrackViewRec* View);
- /* change the vertical offset and redraw the track view area */
- void TrackViewSetNewVerticalOffset(TrackViewRec* View, long Offset);
- /* hit test to see if the coordinates are within the track view area */
- MyBoolean TrackViewHitTest(TrackViewRec* View, OrdType X, OrdType Y);
- /* update the cursor and optionally draw the vertical (pitch) positioning bar */
- void TrackViewUpdateMouseCursor(TrackViewRec* View,
- OrdType X, OrdType Y, MyBoolean DrawFunnyBarThing);
- /* the track data has been modified, so set some flags */
- void TrackViewTrackObjectModified(TrackViewRec* View,
- struct TrackObjectRec* TrackObj, long Index);
- /* another track has been deleted, so remove it from the background list */
- void TrackViewObjectTrackDying(TrackViewRec* View,
- struct TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
- /* insert a note at the specified mouse coordinate with the attributes */
- void TrackViewAddNote(TrackViewRec* View,
- OrdType X, OrdType Y, unsigned long NoteAttributes);
- /* add a command at the specified mouse coordinates. */
- void TrackViewAddCommand(TrackViewRec* View,
- OrdType X, OrdType Y, NoteCommands CommandOpcode);
- /* erase the vertical (pitch) positioning bar */
- void TrackViewUndrawCursorBar(TrackViewRec* View);
- /* draw the vertical (pitch) positioning bar. this assumes that it has been */
- /* previously undrawn (i.e. it doesn't erase any existing bars) */
- void TrackViewDrawCursorBar(TrackViewRec* View);
- /* get the horizontal offset from the start of the track, in pixels */
- long TrackViewGetHorizontalOffset(TrackViewRec* View);
- /* get the horizontal extent of the track (in pixels) for setting the scroll bar */
- long TrackViewGetHorizontalDegreesOfFreedom(TrackViewRec* View);
- /* change the horizontal position of the track display and redraw */
- void TrackViewSetNewHorizontalOffset(TrackViewRec* View, long Offset);
- /* try to select a single note, if there is one, at the specified mouse location */
- void TrackViewTrySingleNoteSelection(TrackViewRec* View,
- OrdType X, OrdType Y);
- /* is the current selection a single note? */
- MyBoolean TrackViewIsASingleNoteSelected(TrackViewRec* View);
- /* is the current selection a single command? */
- MyBoolean TrackViewIsASingleCommandSelected(TrackViewRec* View);
- /* is a range of frames selected? */
- MyBoolean TrackViewIsARangeSelected(TrackViewRec* View);
- /* is nothing selected, and thus there is an insertion point? */
- MyBoolean TrackViewIsThereInsertionPoint(TrackViewRec* View);
- /* get the frame index of the insertion point. it is an error if there is no */
- /* valid insertion point */
- long TrackViewGetInsertionPointIndex(TrackViewRec* View);
- /* get the beginning of a selection range. it is an error if a range is not selected */
- long TrackViewGetRangeStart(TrackViewRec* View);
- /* get the frame after the end of a selection range. it is an error if there is */
- /* no selected range. */
- long TrackViewGetRangeEndPlusOne(TrackViewRec* View);
- /* get the frame number of a single note or command selection */
- long TrackViewGetSingleNoteSelectionFrameNumber(TrackViewRec* View);
- /* delete the selected single note or command. it is an error if no single note */
- /* or command is selected */
- void TrackViewDeleteSingleNoteOrCommand(TrackViewRec* View);
- /* add a track to the greyed-out background display */
- MyBoolean TrackViewAddBackgroundTrack(TrackViewRec* View,
- struct TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
- /* remove a track from the greyed-out background display */
- void TrackViewRemoveBackgroundTrack(TrackViewRec* View,
- struct TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
- /* present a dialog box for editing the selected object's attributes. it is an */
- /* error if there is no single note or command selected. */
- void TrackViewEditSingleSelectionAttributes(TrackViewRec* View);
- /* set a tie from the currently selected note to the note at the specified position. */
- /* it is an error if there is no single note selected. */
- void TrackViewSetTieOnNote(TrackViewRec* View, OrdType X, OrdType Y);
- /* select a range of frames. */
- void TrackViewSetRangeSelection(TrackViewRec* View, long StartFrame,
- long EndFramePlusOne);
- /* set an insertion point at the specified frame index */
- void TrackViewSetInsertionPoint(TrackViewRec* View, long FrameIndex);
- /* do a mouse down, which may select things. ExtendSelection is true for shift-key */
- /* type selection extending */
- void TrackViewDoMouseDown(TrackViewRec* View, OrdType XLoc,
- OrdType YLoc, MyBoolean ExtendSelection,
- void (*ScrollCallback)(void* Refcon), void* Refcon);
- /* set the range selection to the entire track */
- void TrackViewSelectAll(TrackViewRec* View);
- /* delete the selected range. it is an error if there is no selected range. it */
- /* returns False if it fails. undo information is automatically maintained */
- MyBoolean TrackViewDeleteRangeSelection(TrackViewRec* View);
- /* attempt to paste notes into the track. returns False if it fails. undo */
- /* information is automatically maintained. */
- MyBoolean TrackViewAttemptPaste(TrackViewRec* View);
- /* copy the selected range to the clipboard. it is an error if there is no selected */
- /* range. it returns True if successful. */
- MyBoolean TrackViewCopyRangeSelection(TrackViewRec* View);
- /* cut the range selection (copy to clipboard, then delete). returns True if */
- /* successful. it is an error if there is no range selected. automatically */
- /* updates undo information. */
- MyBoolean TrackViewCutRangeSelection(TrackViewRec* View);
- /* show the selection or insertion point by scrolling the view area */
- void TrackViewShowSelection(TrackViewRec* View);
- /* find out if we can undo the last operation */
- MyBoolean TrackViewCanWeUndo(TrackViewRec* View);
- /* dispose of all undo information. */
- void TrackViewFlushUndoInfo(TrackViewRec* View);
- /* save the undo information for the track. returns False if it fails. */
- MyBoolean TrackViewBuildFullUndoBackingStore(TrackViewRec* View);
- /* undo the last operation. if it fails, well... */
- void TrackViewUndo(TrackViewRec* View);
- /* transpose the selection by adding AddHalfSteps to the pitch of each selected note */
- /* AddHalfSteps can be negative. it is an error if there is no single note selection */
- /* or no range selection */
- void TrackViewTransposeSelection(TrackViewRec* View, long AddHalfSteps);
- /* scroll to the specified measure. invalid measure numbers may be specified. */
- void TrackViewShowMeasure(TrackViewRec* View, long MeasureNumber);
- #endif